School Rules.

An enrolment is accepted on the understanding that the following regulations will be observed: Self-discipline is learned in a disciplined, safe, caring environment. Respect for our rules will ensure that all students will benefit from the learning opportunities we provide. We seek the co-operation of parents and caregivers in enabling all teaching and learning at Carmel Jyothi High School to be carried out in a constructive, harmonious and well-ordered way. Common sense and respect for others are our guides to behavior. The judgment and discretion of the Principal will prevail, according to The Education Act. All students have the right to expect:
  • conditions in the school which help learning.
  • the controlling of any influence in the school which may cause harm.
  • the protection of their person and property, and that these will be respected by others.
These rights mean that a high degree of consideration for others must be shown by all members of the Carmel Jyothi High School community. In speech, language, uniform and manner, all students are expected to be a credit to Carmel Jyothi High School and to act in such a way that good relationships are established with others under all circumstances.

Dress and Appearance

  • Students must come to school wearing the correct school uniform. Uniform must be neatly washed and ironed. No ethnic or religious outfits are allowed unless required for a school event.
  • Personal cleanliness, hygiene and neatness is expected at all times. Hair must be neatly cut/pinned/plaited and combed. Nails must be kept clean and short. Boys must maintain their hair trim and neat. Fancy hairstyles and coloured hair is not allowed.
  • Students are not permitted to wear watches, chains, earrings, belts etc. Students are not allowed to wear watches.
  • Students are not allowed to colour / spike / gel their hair, wear nail polish, tattoo or any henna design on visible areas of the body.
Students should always wear their School ID card.

Maintenance of Study Materials

  • All school books must be covered, labelled and neatly maintained throughout the year.
  • Books must be brought according to the day’s timetable without fail.
  • Students are not permitted to paste stickers and colour the pages of school notebooks unless specifically instructed by the teachers.

School Timings

  • Students must be present in the school at 9.40 a.m. Classes commence at 10.00 a.m.
  • Students will not be permitted to enter class once the assembly has started at 9.40 a.m.
  • Parents will not be allowed into the school premises after the first bell at 9.40 a.m.
  • Students will disperse at 4.15 p.m. Parents/Drivers coming to pick up their wards will not be permitted into the corridors/classrooms. They will have to wait in the designated areas for their wards.
  • Children coming late to school – after 9:40 a.m. will have detention for one period.

School Fees

  • School fee can be paid in full or in four instalments as mentioned below:

    I Instalment: By 15 May (of that calendar year)

    II Instalment: By 15 August (of that calendar year)

    III Instalment: By 15 November (of that calendar year)

    IV Instalment: By 15 February (of the following calendar year)

    No Discounts will be provided & No part payments will be accepted going forward.

    • Fee should be paid on or before the above mentioned dates. No reminders will be given and delay of any kind will not be accepted.
    • Repeated defaulters will be given written intimation twice after which the names of their wards will be reported to the department with a request for the names to be struck off from the school rolls.
    • Fee can be paid at the school reception from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on all working days (Monday to Saturday).
    • Fee can be paid in Cash or through GooglePay/PhonePay. Cheques will not be accepted.
    • Any information regarding fees due, admission number, dates to deposit etc. will not be provided by phone. Kindly make the enquiries in person at the school office.
    • Bus fees should be paid along with the school fee. To start or to discontinue the use of bus service, one month’s notice will have to be given before the quarter starts otherwise whole quarters fees will be charged.
    • Fees will have to be paid as long as the pupil’s name is on rolls.

School Property

  • Care must be taken to keep the school clean at all times. Litter must be disposed off in the dustbins provided.
  • Students must take care of the school property. No scratches, writings or drawings may be made on the school furniture or walls.
  • Damage done by accident must be reported to the class teacher. Students who wilfully damage school property must make good the damage done.


  • Discipline is enforced in the school through Remarks, Warning Letters and Discipline slip entry. All remarks must be signed immediately by the parent. After 3 similar remarks by the same teacher the parents are liable to be summoned by the Co-ordinators/Principal. Further action as required may include a Discipline slip entry.
  • Discipline slip entries are made on the following grounds: Grave Indiscipline, damage to school property, acts of violence against fellow students, using abusive or obscene language, Absenteeism on the first & last day of the Semester, on the last & opening day of the Summer / Winter break, important functions like Sports Day, Annual Day, the number of good/bad remarks, Principal’s Awards, loss of calendar, Parents’ attendance on Open House Days, Parent-Teacher Meetings, exhibitions, Awards of Excellence etc are also recorded in the Discipline slips.
  • Every student should bring his/her school Diary daily.

Celebration of Birthdays

  • Students are permitted to wear festive/colour dress on birthdays and distribute common/traditional sweets to their classmates and teachers. Sweets/Chocolates with wrappers are not permitted within the school campus.


  • Students must respect and obey their teachers and School authorities at all times.
  • Running, playing and shouting in the classrooms and corridors during study hours is forbidden. Students must not indulge in fights and physical and verbal abuse in school. Stringent action will be taken against all students instigating and/or participating in such acts.
  • Students may not loiter in the classrooms during break or Computer, Games and Activity periods.
  • Students may not go to the toilets or to drink water during class time. Such needs must be attended to during the break. However, if any student has a medical problem, the same must be brought to the notice of the class teacher in writing with medical certificate attached.
  • Students are not permitted to bring story books (other than school library books), magazines, picture books, video games, any electronic devices including mobile phones to the school. This rule is applicable for class, practices, Annual Day, Sports Day, Picnic etc. Any such property found in the possession of the student will be confiscated by the school.
  • Substances or articles likely to be harmful (fireworks, firearms, knives, cigarette lighters, matches etc) must not be brought to school.
  • All school leaders must be given due respect.
  • Students must record and follow the specific instructions given by their teachers.