
We have attached great importance to the Safety and Security measures for children travelling in our School Buses.


  • All buses will be run by and owned by the School.
  • Parents are requested to desist from utilising the services of any unauthorised private transport.
  • All of our buses will have door closure systems with alarm. Thus while the bus is in motion, if the door is kept open, a shrill alarm will go off, thereby alerting all concerned.
  • All our buses will have CCTV cameras.
  • Each CJHS School bus will have 2 adults in the bus. A trained driver and a lady attendant.
  • All Lady Attendants will have a dedicated Mobile Number and will be designated for each route without being changed frequently. They will be monitoring discipline in the school bus, besides taking responsibility for conducting the bus and shall be reporting directly to the School Management and the Transport Department.
  • New routes may be added during the academic session.
  • As per the recent R.T.O rules, private vehicles (unauthorised Bus, Mini Bus, Autorickshaws, etc) should not be used to ferry school children to and from school. These guidelines have also been reiterated by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. The rule is important as these private vehicles may not prescribe to the safety and security norms for school children.
  • Suggestions and grievances may be brought to the notice of the school management.
  • There will also be a Transport Committee comprising of the Principal, Admin Officers / Transport Officers and two designated parents. Officials from the Regional Transport office, Traffic Police, Education Office and local Authority may also be invited to be a part of the Transport Committee.


  • Parents are requested to ensure that children arrive at the pick-up points on time. The bus may not wait for the child beyond the stipulated time.
  • The escort for Your child at the bus stop should be fixed and identifiable by your child. The escort must carry an authentication letter / photo which if provided, should be produced on demand.
  • In case there is no escort to pick up the child when the bus reaches the spot, the child will be brought to school and the parents have to collect the child from the school on their own.
  • The transport fee is graded and will vary from point to point.
  • The transport fee has to be paid on a half-yearly / yearly basis as decided by the school. Delay in payment of fee beyond the prescribed time will carry a fine. There will be no refund of fees under any circumstances during the year.
  • The school does not take the responsibility for loss of lunch bag / school bag or any other article left behind in the vehicle.
  • The school has every right to reject request for extension / deviation of transport facility within the regular route followed.
  • Parents should inform the school office (in writing or through phone) in advance if the child is not going to use the school transport on a particular day.
  • Pick up and drop timings may vary during school examinations according to the school examination schedule. The School will adopt a time convenient for all children.
  • The decision of the Management in any matters whatsoever shall be final binding.
  • Students should refrain from inflicting any damage to the school bus like tearing seats, etc.
  • No unauthorised person will be allowed to travel in the school bus.
  • Although every effort is made to ensure the safety of the children, the school is not financially or otherwise liable in case of an accident or injury.